Handle with Care

Chiara Croserio
A Fleeting Palace - nothing actual but a feeling
Artists book: Clear acrylic perspex, mirrored perspex, ink on paper, digital print on fabric, 2019.

I am a visual designer focusing on communicating concepts through materiality, form, and typography. I use mixed media as a tool to explore various avenues in the pursuit of encapsulating and communicating the essence of an idea. My project is a poetry artists book with a thematic focus on dreams and memories as totems; the kept memories as intangible totems carried throughout a lifetime. The sole contributing author of the poetry is my good friend Julie Ha. We worked closely in identifying and developing the crux of the concept, blueprinting its communication. The ordinary routine of dressing often makes us overlook the power certain fabrics have in evoking emotions through our sense of touch. In A Fleeting Palace, various fabrics are used as textural stimulation alongside the poetry, in hopes to offer readers an encompassing experience.


Photo credit: Chiara Croserio