Handle with Care

Tom Poon 潘景堯
NGV : From 3D to 2D
Publication design: ink on paper and digital print on polyester sheet, 2019.

My practice focuses on graphical exploration and editorial design. I use visual language as a tool of expression. My practice consists of visual design and real-life observation to explore the diversification of design as well as the design impact in our society.

I love how the visual element was created/found by observation in real-life. Inspired by designer Peter Chadwick and Chermayeff and Geismar’s classic Pan Am posters of the 70s, I decided to take their practice further in my Gradshow project. To differ from their work I look more into the impact of details such as texture, lighting, and cultural atmosphere.

My project for graduation show is a series of publication that observes the conversion from 3D space to the 2D graphic. My work focus on the NGV international in Melbourne as a study object. It explores the graphical aspects as well as the textural aspects inside the building of NGV. The changes in the environment, texture, lighting, and cultural atmosphere are also considered and expressed in the work. The work not only expresses the space itself as graphics but also explores the relation between 3D and 2D to spark a conversation with the audience


Photo credit: Tom Poon